Online Advertisement
Our approach to online advertising combines creative messaging with required back-end analysis, to see what’s working and what could work better

Professional Website Design
A website is the starting point from where customers get to know about your brand and services since it is the first interaction point in the digital sphere

Social Media Management & Marketing
In today’s global online reach, it is essential to stay in touch and engage yourself directly with the current and prospective customers

Search Engine Optimization
If your products and services are not found by your potential audience in search engines, then you are missing out big

Brands Analytics and Reporting
Customers signal a great deal of information about themselves and where your brand fits into their lives through actions, inaction and perceptions.

Digital Training Services
As the digital marketing landscape continues to grow at a rapid pace, marketers are faced with new challenges and opportunities within this digital age

Digital Advisory Services
Upon running an online Campaign for your Business, we put ourselves in the shoes of your stakeholders/audience and how you stand out globally through your website

CliQAfrica is growing in reputation as an Integrated Digital Marketing Solutions service provider in a short period of time.We are a Private Limited Liability Company registered with the Registrar’s General Department in Ghana.

CliQAfrica is a product of the Google online marketing lab, Lagos with expertise training from us Google. All teammates are Google certified Ad Words professionals with in-depth understanding of the digital advertising landscape. Online Advertising, why not choose CliQAfrica?

Looking for a digital ad agency/company that will enhance your visibility and value for you? Look no further, CliQAfrica offers a unique digital advertising that will cost less, brings you the online visibility that you have long looked for.